Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Nick Littlemore and partner Peter Mayes, otherwise known as PNAU, have just released their latest, self-titled album after a 3 year "busy doing other shit" wait from their last album AGAIN (Nick of course was tied up with his other two-piece TEENAGER).

The album was actually released about 3 weeks ago, but I've only just listened to the whole thing so I thought I'd do a post on it now. It's pretty much like their other two albums, in that they have a few songs which are really fun and dance-floorable, but the rest are very self-indulgent - A lot of the tracks have a bit of a 90s dance-rave feel to them, which granted is very "funny" and "ironic", but I'm not sure if it's actually that "good"... I've posted some of the goodies below. The first was produced with the help of Michael Van She, and you can really hear that come out in the track.

Pnau - Come Together

Pnau - Wild Strawberries

Pnau - Embrace


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